How to Increase the Privacy of Your Front Yard

Privacy is an important part of home security and comfort. If you live in a loud neighborhood or receive frequent solicitors, then it may be necessary to install fencing or plant hedges and trees to close off your yard. These measures are also great ways to beautify your front yard and deter potential burglars. Let’s take a closer look at how plants, trees, and fences near your Palm Beach County and Pompano yard can increase your privacy.
Install Fencing
One of the best ways to increase your property’s privacy is to install a fence. There are a few fencing materials that make attractive and sturdy privacy fences. Wood, aluminum, and PVC are popular privacy fence materials because they come in various colors, stains, and designs to match your preferences and property design.
Plant Hedges
If you choose to install metal fencing, then consider planting hedges along the fence. Evergreen hedges make attractive additions to any yard, and they can significantly cut down on outside noise pollution. Hedges will look more attractive against chain link or aluminum fences because they are less likely to cause rust or damages to the fence material than other types of landscaping décor.
Place Trellises
Trellises can be used in addition to fencing, and they can contribute to lowered energy bills. If you place trellises along your home’s walls or over sun-bearing windows, then you may experience lowered cooling costs during the summers. Trellises, covered in beautiful plants and flowers, over your windows and throughout your property are another great way to promote privacy.
Plant Trees
Planting trees in your front yard can promote privacy by blocking your home to outsiders. If outsiders cannot easily see your front door, then they are likelier to move on to another house. If you prefer to remain private to your neighbors, solicitors, and outsiders, then ensure your front yard appears to be closed off.