A Look at Pool Fencing

Though pool fencing may not the most glamorous thing to consider when building or remodeling a home, it serves a very practical and important purpose—to keep people and pets away from your pool. Parents with young kids benefit from a pool safety fence around their pool, which may be removed once the kids grow up. To learn more about pool fences, pool safety codes, or your construction options, talk to a residential fencing company in Palm Beach.
There are some basic approaches to pool fencing. Perimeter or privacy fences can effectively act as pool fencing since they essentially surround pools and the property around them. Interior pool fences—which can be affixed into place by a fence contractor or be removable—surround pools themselves, and separates them from the rest of the yard. These types of fences are considered to be safety fences and are generally constructed from moisture-resistant materials such as powder-coated steel or tubular aluminum.