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South Florida Fencing Contractor

Serving South Florida

Serving South Florida

Serving South Florida

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South Florida Fencing Contractor

Are you looking for a reliable, trustworthy, and affordable company to help you with fencing installation in your home or business? Look no further than Fencing South Florida!

Monkey Wrench Metals

More Than 20 Years of Residential & Commercial Fencing Experience

With more than 20 years of experience, we have provided superior-quality fencing products and installation services for residential and commercial properties in the south Florida area. We manufacture all fencing products in-house which means we can ensure that you are getting the best quality fencing material at an amazing price. We will beat any competitors price!

We are determined to give you not only the best experience and products possible but at a price that you can afford. That’s exactly why we beat any estimate you have, on any standard fencing material, from any legitimate fence company. We are the best place for all of your fencing needs! Call our office today at (561) 282-1523 to schedule a free estimate or build your custom quote online!

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A Palm Tree Stands Beside a Wooden Fence in Palm Beach County, Florida

Why Choose Fencing South Florida

  • Fencing products and installation that exceeds code expectations
  • Fencing that is built to last and affordable
  • A fence that makes your home or business look great
  • Local showroom in Lantana, Florida
  • Over 20 years in business
  • We manufacture ALL products in-house
  • Home Advisor screened and approved
  • Top-rated company on Home Advisor
  • We will beat the competition when it comes to price
Home Advisor Elite Service

Serving Palm Beach County, Broward County and Martin County


Fencing South Florida

605 Whitney Ave
Lantana, FL 33462


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed